Who is Conjugate Engineering?

Conjugate Engineering is a dynamic engineering company that
specializes in Mechatronics, Project management, HSE
Management and Chemical engineering.
We also operate an online store that sells a wide range of technical
products and equipment. Our team of skilled professionals has
extensive experience in these fields and is dedicated to delivering
high-quality solutions to our clients. Whether you are looking to
launch a new product, streamline your manufacturing processes, or
improve your business's efficiency, we have the expertise and
resources to help you succeed.


• To be a premier and first choice service provider to a widest possible market;
• To be customer centered by providing value advices unparalleled to any
players in the industry:
• To be a company with the highest moral standards and business ethical
conduct, working to earn trust from our client — our word being our bond.


• To become the market leader in our market segment, providing integrated innovative and value adding services for the emerging, middle and established corporate companies, multinationals, net worth individuals, the public sector and the parastatals.

• To become a company which every business wants to do business with and a company where skill and innovation are the cornerstones to solutions that give our customers the competitive edge they require to compete in the market.


• We intend to develop mechanism to attract business opportunities from both the private and the public sector.
• To develop the market penetration methods and distribution techniques that enhances speedy delivery of assignments.
• We plan to leverage on the reputation and strong contact base of the venture.
• We will aggressively recruit credible, skilled, innovative and experienced staff to aggressively market amongst other things the company to ensure that our company.
Is at the right place at the right time, to build long lasting relations for both the client and Conjugate Engineering

Services Offered

HSE and Risk Management:

  • HSE compliances
  • Risk analysis
  • Root cause analysis
  • Intergrated preventative measures
  • Induction video and contents
  • HSE workshops
  • Egornomics study


Project Management:

Construction Management:
Services in Construction Management include preconstruction and planning stages i.e. estimating and pricing (Quantity Surveying), site management and construction supervision, and including everything required to successfully deliver a project within budget, required timeframe and required standard. Our client base ranges from the public and private sector around South Africa.

Construction Project Management:
Conjugate Engineering uses a wide range of project management skills to support projects.

Hydraulics and Automation:

Hydraulics and Automation Engineering

Installations and or maintenance on

pressure pipes. Building pilot plants

and all automation and hydraulics

related projects.

HSE Extra Services

Asbestos Services

Asbestos is a fibrous form of naturally occurring silicate mineral. Asbestos can present a serious health risk to employee’s occupants and even members of the public. Conjugate Engineering conducts surveys in order to identify and locate asbestos.

The use of asbestos has been banned in South Africa due to the high incidence of occupational disease resulting from the inhalation of fibres. Very strict procedures have been laid down in the Asbestos Abatement Regulation regarding the handling of asbestos and asbestos-containing material An asbestos risk assessment needs to be performed to determine the risk associated with exposures. One an assessment has been made and risks are calculated the employer must introduce a formal measurement program to establish the airborne concentration of asbestos in a particular workplace when there is a possibility that workers could be exposed to airborne asbestos in excess of half the Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL) – 0.2/2 = 0,1 regulated fibre per millilitre. Representative Samples must be taken on an annual basis.

Compliance Requirements:

  • Occupational Health, and Safety Act, Act No. 85 of 1993 (in accordance with the Asbestos Abatement Regulation, 2020)

Sampling Methodology:

  • HSG 248 Asbestos: The Analysts’ Guide for Sampling, Analysis and Clearance Procedures
  • HSG 173 (Monitoring strategies for toxic substances), NIOSH NMAM

Legal references: 

    • Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act No 85 of 1993
    • HSG 248 Asbestos: The Analysts’ Guide for Sampling, Analysis and Clearance Procedures
    • HSG 173 (Monitoring strategies for toxic substances)

Asbestos Services for Asbestos Inventory:

If any Asbestos that forms part of the structure of a workplace, building plant or premises The employer must take reasonable steps to determine the location of asbestos in the workplace, buildings, plant or premises for the purposes of managing the potential risk associated with such materials.

An inventory of the asbestos must be made, ideally with the help of health and safety representatives, or at least made available to the health and safety representatives for comment. The condition of the material and the risk associated with it must be assessed and a management plan developed. Any employee likely to be exposed must be fully informed of the risk, procedures and work practices necessary to prevent exposure.

Work Plan Development and Notifications to DoL.

If you as an employer would like to remove asbestos-containing material from your premises the following procedures need to be pursued:

The regulation entitled demolition deals with work with asbestos under specialized circumstances.
The legislator cannot provide for such non-routine situations and therefore the employer must provide his own procedures.

Asbestos plan of work must be submitted to an (Approved Inspection Authority) AIA for approval. The plan of work becomes an independent document and supplements specific requirements of the Asbestos Abatement Regulation, 2020. These plans of work may adopt different exposure limits, monitoring procedures, methods of control and any other aspect which the AIA decides is appropriate for the carrying out of the particular ‘demolition work’ that is approved by the AIA. The procedures contained in the plan of work approved by the AIA are legally enforceable. All plans of work need to be submitted to an AIA 30 days prior to the commencement of work. Once the AIA has signed the plan of work, a copy of the plan needs to be submitted to the provincial director 14 days prior to the commencement of work.

Only registered asbestos contractors may carry out demolition work. Only approved companies may dispose of asbestos in the correct manner.

Hazardous Chemical Agents

Hazardous Chemical Agents

Hazardous Chemical Substances Air Sampling Chemical air sampling is a monitoring strategy used to quantify concentrations of a particulate, vapour, gas, mist or aerosol in a particular area. This sampling strategy is used to determine possible harmful exposures that your employees may be exposed to through inhalation.

Samples are taken over an 8 hour period or for as long as the exposure typically lasts for employees on a day to day basis. These measured concentrations are then compared to what we call an Occupational Exposure Limit – OELs – (governed by legislation) to determine if your employees are overexposed to the chemical substance in question. These results will verify whether a hazard (the said chemical) poses a risk for the development of occupational disease or ill health effects and assists us in recommending the best control to reduce the risk posed.

Area sampling can also be done to determine the effectiveness of controls that are already in place in your workplace. These samples are not compared to OELs but rather act as indicators for ambient conditions arising from the use of certain chemical substances.

The best strategy to take is to perform a baseline risk assessment for all chemicals used at your workplace before deciding whether quantitative monitoring strategies are necessary.

Legislation that applies: 
Hazardous Chemical Agent Regulation, 2021

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

Refers to the quality of air relating to health and comfort of occupants. Poor air quality can result in serious health effects such as sick building syndrome.

Indoor air quality (IAQ) is a term referring to the air quality within and around buildings and structures, especially as it relates to the health and comfort of building occupants.

IAQ can be affected by microbial contaminants (mould, bacteria), gases (including carbon monoxide, radon, volatile organic compounds), particulates, or any mass or energy stressor that can induce adverse health conditions. Indoor air is becoming an increasingly more concerning health hazard than outdoor air. Using ventilation to dilute contaminants, filtration, and source control are the primary methods for improving indoor air quality in most buildings.

The determination of IAQ involves the collection of air samples, monitoring human exposure to pollutants, the collection of samples on building surfaces and computer modelling of air flow inside buildings.

Although no South African legislation and methodology exists for the monitoring of contaminants to determine indoor air quality, the following international standards are commonly used when performing these assessments:

Compliance requirements:
Occupational Health, and Safety Act, Act No. 85 of 1993

Sampling Methodology:
ASHRAE Standard 62 – “Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality
ASHRAE Standard 55 – “Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy.

Legal references:
Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act No 85 of 1993
Environmental Regulations for Workplaces – Section 2
ASHRAE Standard 62 – “Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality
ASHRAE Standard 55 – “Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy

Workplace Ergonomics

Ergonomics is the science of designing a user’s interaction with equipment and workplaces to fit the user.  The proper ergonomic design is necessary to prevent repetitive strain injuries, which can develop over time and lead to long-term disability.

The International Ergonomics Association defines ergonomics as follows:

Ergonomics (or human factors) is the scientific or discipline concerned with understanding human interactions and other system elements.  The profession applies theory, principles, data, and design methods to optimise human well-being and overall system performance.

Ergonomics’ main two goals are a) health and b) productivity.  This is relevant in the design, for example, safe furniture and easy-to-use interfaces with machinery.

Health effects of poor ergonomics in the workplace can result in the development of musculoskeletal disorders:

  • Carpel Tunnel Syndrome – this can be avoided by using better-aligned keyboards and other office tools.
  • Tendonitis – finding a better fit in office equipment can help alleviate this painful disorder.
  • Fatigue – something as simple as putting a glare filter on a computer screen can ease eye strain and help alleviate fatigue.

Legislation that applies to all workplaces requires an Ergonomics Risk Assessment per the Ergonomics Regulation of 2019.

Vibration (WBV and HAV)

According to Human Vibration: Measurement, Analysis & Assessment, 2002 vibration is defined as the oscillatory motion of a particle, body or surface from some reference position and is described by at least two quantities, one relating to the frequency, or frequency content, and the other to the amplitude of the motion.

Vibration can be classified as hand-arm or whole-body vibration. Hand-arm vibration refers to vibration entering the body at the hand and normally results from the use of vibrating tools such as a jackhammer. Whole body vibration occurs when the body is supported on a surface and is normally associated with the operation of heavy equipment, driving of vehicles, etc.

More serious vibration effects from severe or prolonged exposure to high energy vibration can cause bodily harm from which recovery is incomplete. The best-known effect is Raynaud’s disease or vibration-induced white finger, which during periodic attacks this causes numbness in the fingers and some loss of manual dexterity. This condition is aggravated by cold conditions.

Whole body vibration can cause both fatigue and irritation to motion sickness and tissue damage. The most frequently reported adverse health effects of whole-body vibration are lower back pain, early degeneration of the lumbar spinal system, and herniated lumbar discs.

Chemical Compatibility

Historical reactive chemical incidents demonstrate that chemical facilities could use chemically reactive materials and systems without knowing the relevant hazards posed.

Some operators are aware of relevant hazards, but fail to put in place adequate safeguards. Although controls for individual materials may be in place, the potential for major incidents exists if materials are inadvertently combined.

We focus on the handling of reactive materials and the prevention of reactive interactions, as well as data and safeguards needed to control these hazards. The importance of chemical compatibility and the use of chemical compatibility charts as a process safety tool are discussed.

Legislation that applies:

      • Hazardous Chemical Agents
      • SANS 10228: The identification and classification of dangerous goods for transport by road and rail modes
      • SANS 10229-1: Transport of dangerous goods – Packaging and large packaging for road and rail transport Part 1: Packaging
Health Risk Assessments

A risk assessment is simply a careful examination of what, in your work, could cause harm to people (a hazard), so that you can weigh up (risk calculation and rating) whether you have taken enough precautions (controls) or should do more to prevent harm. Workers and the community at large have a right to be protected from harm caused by a failure to take reasonable control measures.

Accidents and ill health can ruin lives and affect your business if production is lost, machinery is damaged, insurance costs increase or you have to go to court. You are legally required to assess the risks in your workplace so you must put plans in place to control risks.

Note: Risk Assessments need to be reviewed at least every two years!

Some Legislation that applies:
OHS Act No. 85 of 1993 – Sections 8
Asbestos Abatement Regulation of 2020
Hazardous Chemical Agent Regulation, 2021
Lead Regulation of 2002 – Section 6
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Regulation of 2003 – Section 6
Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act No.29 of 1996)

Noise Dosimetry
Thermal Stress

No employee shall work in conditions that are too cold or too hot this may cause discomfort and eventually physical problems. Surveys are conducted to ensure compliance with these requirements.

According to legislation governed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1993, no employer shall require or permit an employee to work in an environment that is too cold or too hot according to time-weighted standards. This regulation is applicable to all industries where hot work is performed such as foundries, bakeries, underground mines, boiler rooms as well as industries where outdoor work is performed such as scrap yards, construction sites and railway service yards.

Cold work legislation is applicable to employees working outdoors during winter (especially during evenings) as well as areas where refrigeration is used. Thermal stress measurements should be taken during specific periods of the year: December – February and June – August for heat and cold stress respectively.

Compliance Requirements:
Occupational Health, and Safety Act, Act No. 85 of 1993

Sampling Methodology:
TWA WBGT index – ISO 7243 Estimation of the Heat Stress on Working Man, based on the WBGT-index

Legal References:
Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act no 85 of 1993
Environmental Regulations for Work Places
TWA WBGT index – ISO 7243 Estimation of the Heat Stress on Working Man, based on the WBGT-index

Water Sampling

At present, two references two National Standards for the quality of potable water exist in South Africa. The first is the Water Services Act (Act 108 of 1997) in which clause 4 (in terms of section 9(1)(b) of Water Services Act), refers to a compulsory national standard.

The regulations relating to compulsory national standards for the quality of potable water are described in Clause 5 of the “Regulations Relating to Compulsory National Standards and Measures to Conserve Water” was gazetted on 8 June 2001 (Government Gazette 22355, 2001).

The second is the Strategic Framework for Water Services (RSA, 2003a), in which Clause 6.3.2 thereof makes reference to drinking-water quality. Both references are presented and discussed briefly below.

The standard that we use for water sampling is the SANS 0241 – National Drinking Water Standard (Physical, organoleptic and chemical requirements)

Hazardous Biological Sampling

Hazardous Chemical Agent Regulation, 2021Hazardous Chemical Substances refers to any toxic, harmful, corrosive, irritant of asphyxiant substance or, a mixture of substances, that may produce adverse health effects in individuals when exposed to sufficient quantities.


Hazardous biological agents, as defined under the Regulations for Hazardous Biological Agents, OHSAct (85 of 1993), means any micro-organism, cell culture or human endoparasite, including any which have been genetically modified, which may cause an infection, allergy or toxicity, or otherwise, create a hazard to human health.

All work areas fall at risk to expose employees to Hazardous Biological Agents, some obviously more than others!

Here are some typical industries that have an increased risk of being a source of exposure:

      • Hospitals
      • Food Processing industries
      • Food preparation areas
      • Abattoirs
      • Medical Research
      • Laboratories
      • Pharmaceutical Companies
      • Sewage treatment plants
      • Farming
      • Veterinary Hospitals and Clinics

Compliance Requirements:

      • Occupational Health, and Safety Act, Act No. 85 of 1993

Sampling Methodology:

      • Occupational Health, and Safety Act, Act No. 85 of 1993 (in accordance with 6 (1) of the Hazardous Chemical Agent Regulation, 2021)
      • NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods (NMAM)
      • NIOSH Occupational Exposure Sampling Strategy Manual (OESSM)

Legal References:

      • Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act No 85 of 1993
      • Hazardous Chemical Agent Regulation, 2021
      • NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods (NMAM)
      • NIOSH Occupational Exposure Sampling Strategy Manual (OESSM)
      • Most exposed occupations may include those in food production, agriculture, farming, hospitals and laboratories, the municipality (refuse and sewage workers) and office buildings from wallpapers, carpets, damp buildings and ventilation systems.

Illumination can be defined as the use of light to achieve the desired effect. These measurements are done during the day and at night depending on your work shift.

Poorly illuminated work environments have health, safety and psychological effects on your employees and can result in injury, reduced production and increased stress levels. The Environmental Regulations for Workplaces promulgated under the Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1993 stipulate that all workplaces should be illuminated in accordance with the minimum illuminance values laid out in the Schedule to these regulations.

Compliance Requirements:
Occupational Health, and Safety Act, Act No. 85 of 1993 (in accordance with Regulation 3 of the Environmental Regulations for Workplaces)

Sampling Methodology:
SANS 10114-1: Code of Practice for Interior Lighting, Part 1: artificial lighting.

Legal References:
Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act No 85 of 1993
Environmental Regulations for Workplaces – Illumination
SANS 10114-1: Code of Practice for Interior Lighting, Part 1: artificial lighting.

Illuminance measurements need to be taken to ensure compliance with these minimum standards. The Act does not stipulate the time periods between each illumination survey but best and accepted practice indicates that these tests should be performed every two years or when changes to installations occur.

Noise Monitoring

Occupational Noise Surveys in terms of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Regulation

Noise can be defined as annoying, physiologically or unwanted sound. Noise-induced hearing loss can occur from prolonged exposure to noise levels at or above 85 dB(A).

Compliance requirements:
Occupational Health, and Safety Act, Act No. 85 of 1993 (In accordance with the Noise Induced Hearing Loss Regulations)

Sampling Methodology:
SANS 10083: “The Measurement and Assessment of Occupational Noise for Hearing Conservation Purposes

Legal references:
Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act No 85 of 1993
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Regulation
SANS 10083: “The Measurement and Assessment of Occupational Noise for Hearing Conservation Purposes
Noise is one of the greatest risks most industries face and noise-induced hearing loss is one of the most common occupational disease for which compensation payouts are made.

According to the Noise-induced hearing loss regulations promulgated under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, all employers need to assess the risk of noise exposure for their employees. Once the risks are quantified and evidence exists that noise exposure may be at or exceed the noise rating limit of 85dB(A), a monitoring programme needs to be designed and area measurements need to be taken so that noise zones can be demarcated. Once these demarcations are made it is the responsibility of the employer to reduce noise liberation and exposure by implementing controls.

Legislation that applies:
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Regulations of 2003
SANS 10083



Ventilation is seen as a process of replacing or changing air to improve indoor air quality and prevent stagnation of air which may result in pollutants not being able to be cleared from the air.

Compliance requirements:
Occupational Health, and Safety Act, Act No. 85 of 1993

Sampling Methodology:

      • SANS 10400 – National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act, Act 103 of 1977
      • ASHRAE Standard 62 – “Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality

Legal References:

      • Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act No 85 of 1993
      • Environmental Regulations for Workplaces – Section 5
      • ASHRAE Standard 62 – “Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality
      • SANS 10400 – National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act, Act 103 of 1977
Legionella Water Sampling

Legionella bacteria is commonly found in water. The bacteria multiply where temperatures are between 20-45°C and nutrients are available. The bacteria are dormant below 20°C and do not survive above 60°C. It is of utmost importance that you sample your cooling water systems at the very least, once per year to see if your current water treating is inhibiting growth.

Legionnaires’ disease is a potentially fatal type of pneumonia, contracted by inhaling airborne water droplets containing viable Legionella bacteria. Such droplets can be created, for example, by hot and cold water outlets; atomisers; wet air conditioning plant; and whirlpool or hydrotherapy baths. Anyone can develop Legionnaires’ disease, but the elderly, smokers, alcoholics and those with cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory or kidney disease are at more risk.

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